To achieve your goals you must know what are your goals and in ways that you can easily get closer and closer towards your goals. Always have a small diary for TO DO LIST and plan your whole day and upcoming months because you can not adapt big sudden change because its wired for you just take small steps towards your goal.
  • start learning new skills (do not think whether the skill will help you in your life or not, just do it)
  • invest your time ( if you do not feeling or welling  to study all the time invest your time by doing painting, learning new language, learn to use new software, and doodling is the finest way to calm yourself)
  • once you know how new skills and investing your time on those skill your productivity will definitely increase at least you achieve something from nothing.
  • to be get organized in your life simply you need to study your ownself eg. is 7 hours sleep in enough for you or not, if you are not studious don't rot things for your exams try to make your study simple with your notes and learn things with example which you never forgot in your life. 
  • I know these things seems tough and difficult but
    trust me when you have your to do list in your hand and your goal in you mind you will be productive and organized.

At least try to start, don't conclude the result without taking initiative. People will criticize you As a human you need not to look those negative comments just look at the positive window.


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