
Photography is all about clicking the moment right? people used to click their moment and used to store them as a memory. Photography is about capturing the moment, not creating the moment. It is a vast concept in it as it shows the actual art as well as profession. Photography has many types: Flatley Photography, Motion Photography, Still Photography, etc. It is a healthy habit before the advent of smartphones.

Now everyone sees themselves as a photographer everyone is so innovative that they present themselves with a creative skill (photography). People use to click pictures of flowers, sky, clouds, etc. so everyone is now running to be on a track but somewhere people are also misleading the meaning of photography. I have seen such people who do not order food to eat but to order or to click pictures & share it. I personally don’t understand why people encourage these type of stuff. Does this really needed? Why aren’t people enjoy their happy & live moments.


There is nothing wrong in clicking and share of pictures but photography is an emotion for some ardent people. So photography has became part of our daily routine  where people love to click pictures & record videos almost everyday.




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