Depression is a common mental disorder affecting more than 264 million people worldwide. Depression commonly seen in today's there are some common ways to stop being depressed. Don't dig your own grave with your own knife and forks.

  1. DAILY SELF CARE - love yourself and ruin yourself. Self care is the best way to understand yourself and it makes you more confident.
  1. GET ENOUGH SLEEP - prioritize yourself, your sleep. At least take 7 hours of proper sleep. Your body needs restorative sleep to recover depression.
  1. NOURISH YOUR BODY WITH HEALTHY FOOD - Don't be harsh on your body and eat healthy. Eat enough proteins, take enough calories it will deplete depression.
  1. AVOID ALCOHOL AND DRUGS - Alcohol is a depressant and will make it harder to recover. Drugs don't help you feel in control your health. 
  1. EXERCISE - Yoga, Zumba, exercise, meditation are the best cure of the Depression. Even 1 hour per week of exercise can prevent and treat your depression.
  1. MAKE POSITIVE CHOICES - think positive choice and say yes to any work if that work makes  you busy and happy. 
  1. UPLIFTING THE DISTRACTION - Be busy don't give time to your negative thoughts. 
  1. VISIT THERAPIST - Get an evaluation, treatment, and support.  
Don't be shy to share your problems with anyone, be brave until and unless you share no one is gonna help you. Depression is a serious issue but it can be cured with these simple ways we have discussed above. Depression is a mental problem which can affect you physically, emotionally, spiritually.
There were some online consultants or therapists who actually helps you. Don't ignore yourself and don't be alone if you feel depressed go for a walk, lunch, etc. be engage. Be brave enough to fight with depression.

 Don't forget Sometimes pain is the price of progress.


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